
How to Balance Business Ownership and Your Full-Time Job

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How to Balance Business Ownership and Your Full-Time Job

You don’t have to sacrifice one or the other. Learn how to work full time and grow your business.

If you work full-time and manage a business on the side, then your side job may not actually feel like a side job. In fact, managing both can feel like two full-time jobs. You’re not alone, as millions of full-time workers manage a main job and build a business at the same time. 

Often, either the full-time job or the business suffers and takes a hit because they’re both too hard to manage. But there’s a way you can work a 40-hour week, manage your entrepreneurial pursuits, and keep your sanity. It involves a little planning, enlisting help, and a lot of patience. 

Here are five doable tips to help you get through it all.

Set realistic expectations

The keyword here is realistic. As an entrepreneur, you may be excited to set high goals for yourself. In the end, this often leads to burn out. Take a hard look at what you’ve been able to accomplish in the past few weeks or months and create goals based on that. 

There’s a myth that entrepreneurs must be able to do it all and work all day. This is far from the truth. Successful business owners set achievable goals and know their limits.

You can also set expectations with friends and family. Tell them ahead of time what your schedule will look like. Always set aside time for loved ones, but let them know what times and days you’ll be busy so you’re not tempted to veer off schedule if something last minute comes up.

Plan business objectives and content 6 months in advance or more

Planning ahead helps keep you on track. Look at the calendar for the year and note any important holidays, family functions, vending opportunities, and so on. Create calendar reminders several days before an event so you don’t miss out on an important date, such as a holiday-specific promotion or a family event. 

You should plan six months in advance or even more. You may not always stick to the plan, but having a schedule for the next few months will help steer you in the right direction. 

Do what you love, outsource the rest

It’s normal to not love every aspect about growing your business. And we don’t see a reason why you should devote time and energy toward a task that you simply don’t like. If you have the resources to outsource work you don’t enjoy or work that’s taking too much of your time, then you should. 

Ask yourself what you find boring, tedious, or too complicated to do and then find someone who’s qualified to take over these tasks. Devote the time you’ve freed up toward things you actually like doing or are good at.

Trying to do too much will lead to emotional and physical burn out. And once burn out sets in, it can be hard to pull yourself out of this state. Always remember it’s OK to get help.

Create a schedule for your side job

Just how you have a schedule for your main job, you should also create a schedule for your business. And just how you show up for your main job, show up for your side gig, as well. Schedule days that you’ll work and schedule days off, too. You can even set aside specific times you’ll work. 

This tip circles back to setting realistic goals – your schedule should reflect hours that you’re able to actually work.

Take care of yourself

If you want to show up your best self for your primary job and your business, you have to care for yourself – mentally and physically. No matter how busy you get, set aside time every day or week – even if it’s just for one hour – to do something relaxing. A brief walk, chat with a friend, or lunch date is all it takes to relieve stress and refocus. 

Try not to feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Too many entrepreneurs feel that taking breaks is wasting time. This is the epitome of “grind culture.” Little breaks throughout the day can actually help clear your mind and improve productivity.

Also, be sure to get plenty of rest and eat foods that support good physical and mental health.

Write Magical can help

We know the challenges entrepreneurs face when they’re trying to build a business and manage full-time employment. With a full range of digital marketing services, Write Magical can help ease the load with content writing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help.

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